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Animal and Insect Bites Treatment Q&A

Urgent Care for Animal and Insect Bites Treatment Q&A

If you have been bitten by an animal or insect and you aren’t sure if you need medical attention or not, contact Priority Urgent Care & Walk In Clinic, we can provide a detailed inspection of your animal or insect bite and provide further recommendations and medical care to help you stay healthier. For more information, contact us today. We have convenient locations to serve you in Ellington CT, Unionville CT, East Haven CT, Cromwell CT, Oxford, CT and Newington, CT.

Animal and Insect Bites Treatment Near Me in Ellington CT, Unionville CT, East Haven CT, Cromwell CT, Oxford, CT and Newington, CT
Animal and Insect Bites Treatment Near Me in Ellington CT, Unionville CT, East Haven CT, Cromwell CT, Oxford, CT and Newington, CT

Table of Contents:

What are the symptoms of an animal and insect bites?
What are the different types of animal and insect bites?
What happens if animal and insect bites left untreated?
How are animal and insect bites diagnosed and treated?

What are the symptoms of animal and insect bites?

Getting bitten by an animal or insect can happen to just about anyone. You can be out and about enjoying your time outdoors, and come across an animal that may be trying to protect itself or its offspring, and bite you. Many types of animals and insects can inflict harm with their bite on not only adults but children as well.

If you have been bitten by an animal or insect, it is best if you get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible, as a bite to you may not be considered harmful, but can lead to infection or other issues.

The following indicates symptoms of infection if bitten by an animal or insect:

• Redness around the area of the bite
• Warmth around the area of the bite
• Red streaks that are seen leading away from the bite
• Fever
• Pus coming out of the wound
• Swelling on or around the bite
• Pain from the bite

What are the different types of animal and insect bites?

Whether you are hanging out near the water, on a hike in the mountains or just lounging in your backyard, wildlife surrounds us, and they have a mighty fine way of showing us they are protecting themselves and their territory.

The many insects that can inflict harm by either biting or stinging if you get close can be:

• Bees
• Ants
• Fleas
• Flies
• Mosquitoes
• Wasps
• Scorpion
• Spiders

The initial contact made with an insect may be painful, and can sometimes be followed by an allergic reaction to any venom that may have been deposited into your skin through the bite. Most bites and stings usually do not cause severe harm or pain, just mild discomfort; however, some encounters with insects can lead to dangerous and even deadly consequences if not seen by a doctor immediately.

The many animal bites that can inflict harm by biting or scratching if you get close can be:

• Birds
• Bats
• Hawks
• Owls
• Small Mammals
• Raccoons
• Skunks
• Foxes
• Bears
• Bobcats
• Coyotes
• Reptiles or Amphibians
• Dogs
• Cats

Prevention is your best key to staying safe, and knowing how to recognize and avoid getting bitten or stung by animals or insects is the best prevention key to staying safe and healthy.

You should recognize and understand the animals within your area or where you are visiting, so you know the tell-tale signs of when to leave a situation before it becomes worse.

What happens if animal and insect bites are left untreated?

If an animal or insect bite is left untreated, it can become infected by the bacteria or venom that may have gotten under your skin. Bacteria can be found in the mouth or saliva of an animal, and the same is with venom. The bacteria or venom then would enter the wound that was caused which can lead to multiple issues or even serious to deadly conditions.

How are animal and insect bites diagnosed and treated?

Medical care is critical after you have been bitten or scratched by an animal or insect, as you may run the risk of getting:

• Infection
• Broken teeth left embedded in your wound
• Foreign objects becoming embedded into your wound
• Possible nerve damage or blood vessel damage

Depending on the severity and cause of the animal or insect bite, your doctor will assess the risk of damage and may involve the following:

• Inspection
Your doctor will inspect the wound and thoroughly examine it for any debris or broken teeth that will need treatment.

• X-rays
Your doctor may also want to order x-rays in case they suspect any possible bone fractures. This will also help to ensure no debris has entered the wound or foreign material.

• Irrigation
Your doctor then will clean the wound out properly to offer a much smaller risk of infection and help to minimize any pain.

• Debridement
If the bite causes any skin tears, your doctor may deem it necessary to remove any dead or infected skin and tissue they think cannot be repaired.

• Closure
If you have received a wound that needs stitches or sutures, your doctor will provide this once the wound has been inspected and cleaned.

• Wound Care
Finally, your doctor may administer different methods of wound care based on the injury you ended up sustaining from the animal or insect bite. You may also be provided antibiotics to prevent infection from resulting after the bite.

For an appointment with us at Priority Urgent Care & Walk In Clinic, or more information about animal and insect bites treatment, we welcome you to contact usschedule an appointment through our website. We serve patients from Ellington CT, Unionville CT, East Haven CT, Cromwell CT, Oxford, CT and Newington, CT, and BEYOND!

Locations - Priority Urgent Care Near Me in Connecticut

Chicopee, MA

Ellington, CT

Unionville, CT

East Haven, CT

Cromwell, CT

Oxford, CT

Newington, CT

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