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Urgent Care Near Windsor, CT

Urgent Care Near Windsor, CT

Priority Urgent Care and Walk-In Clinic near South Windsor, CT is open 7 days with trained doctors and physicians on-site every day. We have convenient locations to serve you in Ellington CT, Unionville CT, East Haven CT, Cromwell CT, Oxford CT, and Newington CT.

Urgent Care Near Windsor, CT
Urgent Care Near Windsor, CT

Urgent Care for South Windsor, CT

When the need for medical help is urgent yet not life-threatening, what matters is quick and comfortable accessibility, and easy availability without prior appointments – both within and out of “regular 9 – 5” hours – 7 days a week. Priority Urgent Care near South Windsor, CT is situated less than 20 minutes from you and provides all these convenient and comprehensive services for ALL AGE GROUPS and much more! Priority Urgent Care offers a variety of different services for the South Windsor, CT community.

So, when you are a patient (or a family member) requiring urgent medical care – give us a call. Our passionate and experienced at Urgent Care for South Windsor, CT has Emergency Room trained doctors and staff that are here to help. We strive to make health care as easy and affordable as possible. We also offer a range of convenient services such as:

Our walk-in clinic and urgent care clinic is only a short drive away from South Windsor, CT. Our offices are located at 105 West Road Ellington CT 06029. We are open Mon-Fri 8 am – 7:45 pm, Sat – Sun 9 am – 4:45 pm. For any more information or questions about your Urgent Care for South Windsor, CT, call us or book an appointment online! We hope to meet you soon and look forward to serving you! We serve patients from Ellington CT, Unionville CT, East Haven CT, Cromwell CT, Oxford, CT and Newington, CT, and BEYOND!

Locations - Priority Urgent Care

Chicopee, MA

Ellington, CT

Unionville, CT

East Haven, CT

Cromwell, CT

Oxford, CT

Newington, CT

Directions To Nearest Location