Urgent Care for Common Cold Treatment Q&A
The common cold is an infectious viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. The symptoms of the common cold include a runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing. If you are suffering from the common cold and have tried every remedy available to you or your loved ones with no success, Visit Priority Urgent Care and Walk-In Clinic today. We have convenient locations to serve you in Ellington CT, Unionville CT, East Haven CT, Cromwell CT, Oxford, CT and Newington, CT. For more information, please contact us or book an appointment online. Walk-ins are welcome!

Table of Contents:
What are the symptoms of the common cold?
What are the causes of the common cold?
How do you cure a cold?
What is the difference between a cold and the flu?
If you have ever been exposed to someone who has been showcasing signs or symptoms of having a cold, you will most likely catch the same cold-causing virus and soon begin seeing similar symptoms from it around one to three days later. However, this will vary from one person to another. The most common symptoms that anyone will show when it comes to the common cold include:
• Cough
• Congestion
• Stuffy nose
• Runny nose
• Mild body aches
• Mild headaches
• Sneezing
• Low-grade fever
• Feeling really under the weather
If you have a runny nose, you will notice a discharge that will begin, and it will start off clear and then become thicker over time and turn either yellow or green as the common cold continues to run its course.
Even if your runny nose discharge has turned a yellow or green color, it does not mean that you have encountered a bacterial infection. Bacterial infections will occur from the common cold if your body encounters more severe conditions like strep throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, and croup, it may be difficult to overcome.
Many different types of viruses can cause the common cold. However, rhinovirus is the most common cause. A cold virus will enter the body through your eyes, nose, or mouth. The virus will then spread through droplets in the air when someone infected becomes sick and either talk sneezes, or coughs near others.
It can also be spread by hand-to-hand contact from someone who is infected with the virus by sharing contaminated objects. This includes towels, eating utensils, telephones, and toys. If you touch these highly contaminated objects and then touch your nose, mouth, or eyes, you are more likely to catch a cold.
Different risks will increase your chance of catching the virus for the common cold, including:
• Age
Babies and young children are at the highest risk of colds, particularly if they spend a great deal of time in childcare settings.
• Weakened immune system
If you have a chronic illness or have a weakened immune system, you are at a higher risk of catching a common cold.
• Time of the year
Both children and adults are at an equal risk of catching the cold virus in the cooler months like fall and winter. However, you can catch the virus cold any time of year.
• Smoking
If you are a smoker or you are around second-hand smoke a lot, you are more likely to catch the virus that causes the common cold and even have more severe cold symptoms.
• Exposure to the virus
Exposure to large crowds, including an airplane or school, will bring a higher risk of being exposed to the virus that causes the common cold.
To help with your common cold symptoms, you can try one of these remedies:
1. Staying hydrated
Drink water, juice, clear broth, or warm lemon water with honey to stay hydrated and help loosen congestion.
2. Rest
Your body needs to rest by laying on the couch to relax and/or sleep.
3. Soothing your sore throat
Gargle with salt water to help temporarily relieve a scratchy or sore throat.
4. Fight stuffiness
Use over-the-counter saline nasal drops and sprays to relieve any congestion.
5. Relieve body pain
Take acetaminophen to help with body pain.
6. Sip warm liquids
Warm liquids will help with congestion and sore throats.
7. Use honey (if possible)
Under 12 months should never have honey. Over 12 months of age, you can use honey in hot tea to help with your throat.
8. add moisture to the air
Cool-mist humidifiers help to loosen congestion.
9. Take over-the-counter cough and cold medications when possible
If these remedies do not work, it is best to visit a doctor to get antibiotics and medical advice on how to help your children and yourself if needed.
Both the viruses that cause the common cold and the influenza virus are categorized as respiratory viruses that infect the respiratory tract. Both viruses begin in the throat, nose, and sinuses. However, from there, they become greatly different.
Influenza virus symptoms will often show faster and the first few symptoms of the flu virus will become noticeable to others if they are not shown fast enough. This is due to you being sick well before the virus even begins showing symptoms, so others will have already become infected with the flu, and thereafter the chills will appear. Often, the symptoms of the flu are followed by body aches and pains, as well as severe fatigue and weakness. Influenza virus symptoms can last several hours each day and will continue for a week or longer. Many symptoms will often linger for up to three weeks after the initial onset of the virus infecting the body.
Contact Priority Urgent Care and Walk-In Clinic for comprehensive care. We have two convenient locations to serve you. For more information, please call us or book an appointment online. Walk-ins are welcome! We serve patients from Ellington CT, Unionville CT, East Haven CT, Cromwell CT, Oxford, CT and Newington, CT, and BEYOND!

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